The brief psychological evaluation involves a clinical interview and the completion of symptom inventories and/or behavior rating scales completed in a single meeting. The time involved depends on the age of the client and the nature of the referral question.
Diagnosing or ruling out Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to help guide treatment decisions
Providing insight into difficulties in school or at work
Identifying appropriate behavioral strategies and interventions to improve social and occupational functioning
Review of available records
Cognitive testing
Self-report inventories
Behavioral observations
Interview data
As this is a brief evaluation, the clinical interview and discussion of Dr. Bellon’s impressions and recommendations is generally completed in a single meeting. The intention of this meeting is to empower the client to understand more about themselves and to feel a sense of partnership and direction in moving toward change.
Following this session, Dr. Bellon will write a report for the client to maintain in their records and share with their primary care provider and/or therapist.
The purpose of the results discussion is to empower the client to understand more about herself/himself, and to feel a sense of partnership in moving toward change.
Dr. Bellon is available to discuss the results of the evaluation with any important individuals who are not present at the final meeting (e.g., a therapist or psychiatrist), if requested by the client.